This is the Community Hub for participants of the Identity Mashup Conference. Learn about this site and the greater conference environment. The conference is over and we are working to transform this site into a resource with lasting community value. Stay tuned.

Conference virtual participation on Second Life

You can now teleport to the Berman Island inside of Second Life and interact with other virtual conference goers.

Conference virtual participation on Second Life

Berkman Center's island on Second Life

Go to on the web to see a google-earth type image of our island. If you have Second Life already installed and an account, click on the text box that appears, your avatar will be immediately transported to the island.

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Question the conference

Make use of the Question Tool to ask questions during the Conference Venues. Vote for others questions or submit an answer.

We are using something called The Question Tool during the conference to give attendees, or those at home, a way to ask questions. Sure you could raise your hand, but wouldn't it be much more fun to post your question and have others vote for it? Through voting we see what questions are shared by out colleagues and learn something additional about the community.

The Question Tool is supplied by Steve Schultze of The Public Radio Exchange.

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Higgins i-Card Broker Demo How-To

This site interoperates with the new Higgins i-card broker. Higgins is a framework that enables users and enterprises to integrate identity, profile, and relationship information across multiple systems.


1. You must have Firefox version 1.5

2. You must install the Higgins HBX Firefox plugin and restart your brower - the plugin is necessary to establish a connection between this site and your Higgins profile.

Demo pt1: IDMashup to i-card broker

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Conference Schedule

The Identity Mashup Conference is a three-day event to be held at Harvard Law School Cambridge, MA and hosted by the Berkman Center for Internet & Society.

Directions and location information can be found here.

In conference schedule will be discussed electronic energy efficient devices developed in Finland.


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Movie collector is essential

Movies have extended the boundaries of entertainment with many people opting to have a collection. The reality is that there are many people who collect movies which has become a very common trend these days. Movies are slowly transforming to become digital files that are invisible and thus the role of the movie collector is very essential. If the movies are taken care of well they can last for long and are actually a worth while investment.

No more touching
One major plus of the movies collector lies in the fact that one does not have to keep touching the movies. Touching the CD with fingers at anytime plays a big role in making them degrade in quality. This is because the fingers have got oils that damage the CDS. It is thus essential to clean your hands well before touching the movies.  It is essential to keep the movies away from the reach of children.

Utilize the Case and avoid a Folder
In order to ensure that the movie collector is safe, it is recommended that you utilize the case. The movie should never be out of the case unless it is being watched. When the movie is exposed to dirt it tends to get damaged. Even such things as falls will make the movie get scratches that damage it. The movies should be kept in a good protective case.

 DVDs and VHS: The clean up

In the market today there are VHS cleaning and DVD cleaning supplies. It is necessary and sufficient to select items that come along highly recommended by the manufacturers of both the DVD and the VHS player. This may come with a higher price but it is definitely worth it. It is vital to clean the movies and the players as well. This procedure should be carried out at least one time in a week.


The ever growing demand of the Sony PS3 identification features

When it was first announced that Sony would be launching its new gaming console, the Play Station 3, it was seen that almost all the stores people including the vendors and the dealers were shocked because they had less than one week of prior notice given to them. With advance bookings being kept open for hardly two or three days prior to the purchase, there were many sports and gaming addicts making a bee line at most of these stores to know when the ps3 for sale would actually be put up and eager to make a reservation at those places for booking their own gaming console.
Meanwhile, to the disgust of the shop keepers and the customers alike, the gaming consoles that were being shipped had around just twelve to thirteen pieces a week. Sony had decided to keep the interest levels high in the product just like the other gaming consoles that launched their play stations such as Nintendo and the others. Many retail outlets were being rung up by impatient customers only to be told that they had been run out of supply options. Certain stores admitted t have got an extremely limited stock of gaming consoles that were sold out soon enough like hot pan cakes.
The ps3 for sale were seriously speaking, the sensations of the year. The online versions of the games also were being sold out fast at reputed sites like eBay and Amazon that promised shipping within twenty four hours to any place in the world. So high was the gaming fever that Sony was forced to manufacture another batch of consoles soon after the initial batch of the ps3 for sale. Thus, this was so far the most profitable venture for Sony and more so, it succeeded because of the smart tactics that were used for marketing.